Play Paves the Way
Carrot Seed Preschool–where children can wonder, discovery, imagine, construct, and learn through play.
Philosophy and Vision
- We believe that the primary importance is the development of the whole child – socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.
- Children need a rich, inclusive environment in which to play, explore, “live in the moment”, and grow as independent and self-directed individuals.
- Children need to run, jump and climb freely outdoors for healthy brain development.
- We think of our teachers as educators, not instructors, here to facilitate children’s learning and growing not by imposing curriculum but following and enhancing the curriculum that emerges through children’s play.

"For children, this is just a whisper, a brief moment, in which they can enjoy the richness of childhood spaces." - Bev Bos

Core Values
We believe play is the ultimate teacher and embrace children as critical thinkers who are ready to construct their own learning.
- We strive to create a space where children of diverse needs and abilities can thrive and call on the government to provide more funding to ensure that no child is left behind.
We believe that nurturing a sense of wonder and discovery are the foundations of academic success as children move into elementary school.
We invite Indigenous worldviews into our spaces, including emphasizing a connection to the land, honouring the whole child, and encouraging children to explore their own strengths through observation, exploration, and discovery.
We are committed to creating a space where LGBT2Q people are safe and welcome.

Carrot Seed Preschool is committed to being an emotionally, socially, and physically safe space for all children.
- A diverse inside and outside setting that continually changes with the children’s interests and capabilities.
- One of the largest licensed outdoor spaces in Victoria, including diverse play structures and plenty of natural areas to explore .
- An unstructured art program where the child is the explorer and the creator. There are no right and wrong ways to use the art materials.
- We are an open door school; you are welcome to drop in anytime to observe your child or our program.
Teachers who work together as teammates, sharing observations, planning as a collective, and seeking guidance from one another.